How Personality Tests Could Save Your Relationship
Disagreements and fights in a relationship many times involve harping on the habits your partner has that don’t exactly jive with yours. “If only you weren’t so unthoughtful!” you may say. Or, “You’re not being logical!”
But what if you could go into it understanding exactly how the other person is wired to behave? Personality tests may give you insights about your partner that can potentially help you understand them better.
Why personality matters:
Personality differences absolutely affect a couple’s decision making and ability to relate to one another. A person’s entire perception of any particular issue, whether sex or finances, is influenced by personality.
Try to remember back to your last date night with your special someone. It’s one thing to discuss where and what a nice night out should entail, but how it is discussed is entirely colored by personality. When he responds, “Whatever you like,” to your inquiry, you may feel the urge to choke his apathy into sweet silence. To you, your intent was clear, the transmission was perfect, and all the problems were with the receiver, that aloof robot of a man disguised by a rumpled button down under a casual sweater. Psychoanalytic science says there may be more to the story.
Understanding your own and your partner’s personality type helps make sense of behavior within a relationship. A lack of understanding during an engagement can cause resentment, but being able to make sense of an interaction allows for patience.
What you were experiencing is a personality clash. In broad terms, we all have unique personalities, but the study of psychometrics deals specifically with grouping those personality traits into a comprehensive and accessible reference for human beings to better understand ourselves and one another. You may be able to easily identify your partner as an “introvert” and yourself as an “extrovert,” but that’s only part of the picture. The rest is discoverable through personality tests.
Personality tests can be very helpful in facilitating self-acceptance. They can give you new perspective on past interactions and future engagements. After taking one, you may think back to that conversation or argument and understand dynamics that you couldn’t before. Maybe you were more frustrated by his apparent lack of engagement rather than what he actually said. Perhaps what he meant didn’t come across as intended.
So is date night planning doomed to the same routine? Not necessarily. Personality tests can be validating and reassuring, but it is important not to let them ‘lock you in’ or be used to lock other people in. In short, there is always opportunity for change—but “change” can be problematic vocabulary.
Aim for relationship and personal growth:
We can all grow and we can enhance. We have a core and if we have an awareness of what we wish to better about ourselves, we can achieve it. Change implies to me that something is wrong. Personality is not a matter of something being right or wrong. No one personality is the right way.”
Maybe he wasn’t being apathetic about date night at all, but rather assumed you already had particular ideas in mind and he wanted you to know he was willing to follow your master plan. “Whatever you like” from a reserved personality type just so happens to sound like “I don’t care” to an extrovert.
The human capacity for enhancement is an optimistic reminder that personalities and relationships are fluid and multidimensional. Personalities don’t exist in a vacuum. They are filtered through our perceptions of other personality types, and what we understand or learn about ourselves will not reflect the same way in all our relationships.
A partner will respond differently to aspects of your personality relative to their own. If you consider yourself to be a ‘feeling’ personality type but are not as strongly feeling as your partner, they may consider you to be more of a thinker than a feeler. This imperfect feedback can muddy communication. We may imagine our partner is purposefully trying to upset us, when in reality, our ideas and feelings are not being transmitted clearly.
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